
NERIS is coming soon. Watch for more information coming soon. Learn more about this change.

North Dakota Century Code 18-01-06 requires fire chiefs or their designee to report fires to the State Fire Marshals Office.  Fires are to be reported within 30 days of occurrence and shall be submitted in a form compliant and compatible with the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS).  Fire departments can meet this by reporting directly into the NFIRS system, utilizing the state contract with Emergency Reporting/ESO, or utilizing a different third party software that is compatible with NFIRS.

The State Fire Marshal's office sends out reminders every month to fire chiefs that reports should be sent in.  For further assistance with fire reporting please contact us.


Ways to Report



Report via eNFIRS

  1. To register for access to the eNFIRS system or login please visit the system at the U.S. Fire Administration’s website.
  2. Ensure all reports are entered, complete and submitted each month after the reminder is sent out.
  3. Enter a “no activity” report.  If no fires or incidents occurred in the previous month, please enter a no activity report by completing the following steps:
    • In eNFIRS, click on the “incidents” tab
    • Click “create incident” from the dropdown menu
    • Check/mark the “no activity” box
    • Fill both the incident number and the exposure fields with zeros
    • The incident date field should be the last day of the month of no activity
    • SAVE the incident
    • Complete!  Now your department/district will count as actively reporting even though no incidents occurred.


Emergency Reporting by ESO

This is a service is offered to local departments through a state-provided contract.

  1. To register for access to the Emergency Reporting by ESO system please email
  2. Ensure that your registered account is tied to the contract that the Department of Forestry provides.
  3. Ensure reports are entered, complete and submitted each month after the reminder is sent out.
    •  Ensure the “lock” logo has turned green and each report has been “reviewed”.  Otherwise it will not be released to the State Fire Marshals Office for import into the eNFIRS system.
  4. There is no options for a no activity report.  This is a great option for any fire department that has multiple incidents every year.

Third-Party Software

Any software should be compatible with NFIRS.

  1. Ensure your reports are entered, complete and submitted.
  2. Submit your incidents to in a .txt file that can be imported into eNFIRS.
  3. The State Fire Marshals Office will report back to you with any discrepancies or notification of successfully completed import.
  4. Note, the USFA releases NFIRS updates every year in October.  It is a good idea to check that your contracted third party is up to date and compliant with the NFIRS program.